Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Softdrinks: Bad Influence for Our Bones, Teeth, and Body Weight

Coca-Cola’s advertisements typically radiate happiness and refreshment. In one of its latest ads, it shows its product as a factory of happiness. Soda advertisements can be very effective in psychologically conditioning people to think that softdrinks are equal to a happy and beautiful life. It sends a message that when people drink soda, they are drinking their way to a happier life. In reality, softdrinks wreak havoc to people’s health and lives. Sodas, as several scientific studies prove, are not good for us at all.Softdrinks may seem like a refreshing way to ease a hot day, but their short-term benefits cannot outweigh their long-term destructive effects. People should not drink softdrinks anymore, because of its bad influence on our bones, teeth, and body weight. Softdrinks drill cavities into our teeth. Poonam Jain, director of community dentistry at Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine says: â€Å"Soda eats up and dissolves the tooth enamelâ₠¬  (Kanigel). Jain examined several sodas by measuring their pH level, which is an indication of acidity. Water has pH of 7; sugar-sweetened sodas range at 2.5; while diet sodas tally at 3. 2 (Kanigel). Jain stresses that soda’s acidity is even worse for our teeth than solid sugar in candy, because soda corrodes our teeth enamel, which hastens the tooth decay process by making it easier for bacteria to penetrate our teeth (Kanigel). A number of studies, including a University of Michigan investigation of dental checkup data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, back up that adults who imbibe â€Å"three or more sodas a day have up to 62% more decayed, missing, and filled teeth than those who drink less† (Kanigel).Softdrinks are good for sipping, and at times, it seems better to let the taste simmer in our mouth. People do not know that sipping soda actually makes it harder for their saliva to go back to neutral levels (Kanigel). Jain emphasi zes that â€Å"This is particularly an issue for people who drink several sodas a day, because they never give their saliva a chance to neutralize† (Kanigel). Clearly, sodas destroy our chances for that beaming close-up smile. Softdrinks eat away our bones too. Several studies showed that softdrinks have been correlated to lower bone density.In the 1950s, children downed 3 cups of milk for every 1 cup of sugary drinks; now, it has been reversed, because children drink 3 cups of sweetened drinks for every cup of milk (Kanigel). A number of experts connect softdrinks with osteoporosis, because people drink milk less, when they drink more softdrinks (Kanigel). The study by Jean Mayer of the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center, on the other hand, does not find a connection between drinking softdrinks and drinking milk, although their study also shows that cola consumption decreases bone density for older women (Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1).Girls are also being n egatively affected by sodas. In a study of 460 adolescent students in 2000, the Harvard School of Public Health discovered that â€Å"girls who drank carbonated soft drinks were three times as likely to break their arms and legs as those who consumed other drinks† (Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1). The study underscores that dark drinks seem to be more health-aversive than fruit-flavored drinks, because the study show that girls who imbibed colas were five times more prone to breaking their arms and legs in their adolescent years than girls who stopped drinking soda(Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1).Grace Wyshak, PhD, a biostatistician and the study's primary researcher, suggests that something in colas hold back the body's capability to use calcium (Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1). She is alarmed that this will make girls more susceptible to fractures and bone problems in later life (Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 1). Indeed , sipping soda can be similar to chipping our bones away. Drinking sodas add up to our waistline. Olsen and Heitmann and Vartanian et al. review literature on the relationship between obesity and softdrinks. Majority of the studies prove that drinking sodas can be linked to obesity.Pereira also examines the evidence that links obesity and softdrinks. She concludes that several studies illustrate that there is a relationship between drinking sweet drinks like soda and higher body mass index. Marr also mentions studies that blame softdrinks for many children being obese or overweight. David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, director of the obesity program at Children's Hospital Boston agrees with Marr and states: â€Å"In my estimation, sugary beverages are one of the two leading environmental causes of obesity, perhaps second only to TV viewing in the magnitude of its effect† (Kanigel).In 2001, he and his peers at the Harvard School of Public Health provided strong evidence that linked obes ity and softdrinks (Kanigel). They followed 548 teens for 19 months and discovered that teenagers who drank more sodas were more overweight than those who did not (Kanigel). Another study suggests that fructose in softdrinks can stimulate appetite, which makes it easier for people to get fatter (Kanigel). Softdrinks are fatteners. On the other hand, people who say that softdrinks is a cheap and easy way to feel refreshed want to defend their sodas.The reaction to this is that people can also drink cold water and feel refreshed. They can even drink lemon juice and dash it with honey, and they get less calories and fructose. Soda producers also assert that soda provides funding for many education programs. Yes, soda does that, but how about the bad influence of softdrinks? Childhood obesity cannot ethically fund education. Softdrinks are bad influence in many ways; they are bad for our bones, teeth, and weight. They increase risks for a number of health problems. They are not what the y want to be- to bring happiness to people.How can people be in high spirits, when they have bone problems, tooth decay, diabetes, or they are overweight? The ads got it all wrong. Sodas can make people unhappy. Works cited Kanigel, Rachele. â€Å"It Raises Diabetes Risk And Robs Bone. It's Wrecking Our Teeth. And It's Making Us Fat. The Culprit? Soda. † Prevention 58. 10 (2006): 160-207. Marr, Liz. â€Å"Soft Drinks, Childhood Overweight, and the Role of Nutrition Educators: Let's Base Our Solutions on Reality and Sound Science. † Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior 36. 5 (2004): 258-265. Olsen, N. J. and B. L. Heitmann. â€Å"Intake of Calorically Sweetened Beverages and Obesity.† Obesity Reviews 10. 1 (2009): 68-75. Pereira, M. A. â€Å"The Possible Role of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages in Obesity Etiology: A Review of the Evidence. † International Journal of Obesity 30 (2006): S28-S36. Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. â€Å"Cola May Up O steoporosis Risk for Older Women. † Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 24. 11 (2007): 1-2. Vartanian, Lenny R. , Schwartz, Marlene B. , and Kelly D. Brownell. â€Å"Effects of Soft Drink Consumption on Nutrition and Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. † American Journal of Public Health 97. 4 (2007): 667-675.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Satirical Essay

11/19/12 English III Homelessness has been an issue of much dispute throughout time, regardless of whether it is in present day Portland, Maine or in the ancient city of Rome, Italy. People have been trying to aid the wanderers for a very long time, but clearly, have never found a good solution to the problem. People are sick and tired of walking out of their door in the morning and finding a vagrant, still reeking of alcohol which they purchased with a good Samaritan’s donation, on their stoop.The people fortunate enough to have a home and a good job should not have to suffer when they walk down the street past hobos begging for a few dollars. It is not fair that the wealthy have to interact with the dregs of society on a daily basis. This problem has to be dealt with. That is why I propose that our society is in much need of the program, Clean Up The Streets (CUTS). The program resolves many different aspects of the issue . If the homeless are sent to landfills to collect ca rdboard and other material in which they can build their own houses with, this gets them out of sight of the wealthy.In addition to removing the homeless from our lives, it also aids the environment. With this new program, hobos are given a job in which they remove materials from landfills which they can then use to build shelters with. Yearly, Americans throw away 30. 9 tons of good food; this will make wasteful people feel as if they are actually helping people when they throw away unappreciated food. This also means that there will be plenty of food for the newly housed and employed people. Also, about $1 billion dollars worth of medicine is thrown out each year, so illness will be quelled as well.The new CUTS program is flawless; it resolves the issues of Grinnell 2 vagabondage, employment, and environmental problems. In today’s society, the homeless only get in our way. This is why it is imperative that the CUTS program be accepted. The first step in cleaning up our stre ets is housing the homeless. We can do this without donating half of our yearly salary to some hopeless program that supposedly builds fancy houses for the lesser people. With the CUTS program, all homeless are sent to landfills where they salvage our waste. This is very beneficiary to both arties of society. The primary goal of the CUTS program is to house every single homeless person in America, and we can do this without taxing the rich to give to the poor. They (society’s privileged few) can now feel good about themselves when they throw away their trash, knowing it’s going to a good place. In our current economic state, it is more important than ever to improve employment rates. The homeless are to blame for a good portion of the unemployment rate. If the CUTS program was to be accepted, the unemployment rate would drop, drastically.A secondary goal of CUTS, which goes hand in hand with the other objectives, is to employ the homeless at landfills across America. T heir work would entail searching for waste products. They would only have to salvage 100 lbs of trash a week in order to stay employed and housed. Due to the age of technology, we are learning more and more about our planet. For example, we have learned about how bad America’s gluttony is. With only 6% of the world's population, Americans generate 35% of the trash and consume 35% of the world's resources.With the introduction of the CUTS program, who knows what those statistics will look like in just ten years. The program’s participants will be working, getting free Grinnell 3 food, and also helping save the world in the process. With hundreds of people in their own little community landfills sifting through trash and filth, unimaginable amounts of waste could be reused in the future. The CUTS program could resolve three very current issues if it were to be accepted; homelessness, employment, and environmental problems. Although the flawless solution could be consider ed inhumane, this couldn’t be further from the truth.The humanity comes in because the homeless are not equal to the citizens residing in the upper class, mostly because they do not pay taxes or work. Why should good tax paying people (who work hard for what they have) be forced to give money to people who have nothing and don’t work? Why should those who work hard have to suffer because of the slackers of society? They shouldn’t. They are much better suited working hard, just like the upper class does, and contributing to society, instead of bumming on the streets. Remember, â€Å"one mans trash is another mans treasure†.

Monday, July 29, 2019

British Literature Women Of Long Ago Essay

, Research Paper The star football participant was about to be forced off the squad because of hapless academic classs. In despair, the manager approached the Dean of the college and swore on his award that he would give the chap a concluding test in one of his topics, and if the male child didn T base on balls he would take him from the squad instantly. The dark before the large game the manager met with the male child to prove him. What, asked the manager, is the name of the first recorded piece of British Literature? Coach, replied the male child, I don t have the slightest thought. That s right! exclaimed the manager, You don t! Okay, you re in the get downing line-up tomorrow! This could be my narrative. I play sports-any sport-all sports-football, hoops, baseball you name it. The idea of my basking British Literature seems difficult for even me to believe. When faced with this assignment, I found myself in a little terror. However, much to my surprise, it wasn t all that bad. In traveling over the picks, I knew I had to take to compose about adult females, and their functions in these narratives. The fact that they were involved in sex, fraudulence, and criminal conversation had nil to make with my determination. And as Oscar Wilde said, The universe is packed with good and evil adult females. To cognize them is a in-between category instruction. I m surely a truster in that doctrine! After all, that s why I m in school. In get downing to compare and contrast the function of adult females the The Wife of Bath s Tale, by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Second Shepherd s Play, by Wakefield Master, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, by Sir Gawain, one needs to look closely at the narratives. The Wife of Bath s, narrative is a brief Arthurian love affair integrating the widespread subject of the disgusting lady. It is the narrative of a adult female as if by magic transformed into an ugly form who can be restored to her former province merely be some specific action. It besides embodies some surprising hints of the formal tradition, along with The Second Shepherd s Play, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. All three narratives seem to exemplify the transforming power of love for their work forces. Although they were are different they all showed the consequence of their love. That the true lover can non be corrupted by greed ; love makes an ugly and rude individual radiance with all beauty. They know how to indue with aristocracy even one of low birth. They can even impart humbleness to the proud. Oh, what a fantastic thing love is which makes a adult male radiance with so many virtuousnesss and which teaches everyone to abound in good imposts. You see briefly in the narrative The Wife of Bath s Tale that it deals with a lustful unmarried man of the male monarch s tribunal who raped a immature maiden. He was taken and condemned to decease ( such was the usage so ) but the male monarch, in respect to Queen Guenevere s supplications, allowed the ladies to judge him. They tell him he can salvage his life merely if a twelvemonth and a twenty-four hours subsequently he can state them what it is that adult females most desire. He wanders long without happening the reply ; he is about to return disconsolate when he comes upon an old and unusually ugly adult female. She says that if he swore to make whatever she will next ask him, she will state him the reply. He agrees and returns with reply: adult females most desire to hold sovereignty over their hubbies. Guenevere and her ladies are amazed ; they grant him his life. The old adult female than makes her demand: that he marry her. She will accept no less. On they re marrying dark ; he turns off from her. She asks him what is the affair. He answers that she is old and ugly and lowborn. The old adult female demonstrated to him that none of these affair particularly baronial birth, since true gentilesse depends on workss instead than birth. She offers him the pick: he can hold her old and ugly and faithful or immature, beautiful, and perchance unchaste. He tells her to take ; he grants her the sovereignty. When he does so she turns into a beautiful maiden, and they live thenceforth in perfect joy. That she so just was and so yong therto, For joye he hente hire in his weaponries two ; His herte bathed in a bath of blisse ; A 1000 clip arewe he gan hire kisse ( Chaucer 356 ) Even under the regulation of King Arthur and his gallant knights, adult females were at the clemency of work forces by holding the knight colza a immature amah. Immediately though, the adult females begin to weave in their doctrine. One in peculiar achieves all she wants through her nagging behaviour. She shows the queen that she can acquire the male monarch to go forth the knight s life in her custodies. Further, the undertaking given the knight by the queen, to happen out What thing it is that adult females most desiren? And if that she be disgusting, thou saist that she Coveiteth every adult male that she may see ; For as a spaniel she wol on him lepe, Til that she finde som adult male hire to chepe ( Chaucer 336 ) In professing this point of pick and giving the womanpower, the married woman shows how the knight additions both picks and both become happy together. For by my trouthe, I wol be to you bothe This is to sayn, ye bothe carnival and good And she obeyed him in every thing ( Chaucer 356 ) In The Second Shepherds Play, the narrative begins with three shepherds ( Coll, Gib, and Daw ) in a field kicking about the cold, revenue enhancements, and the cavalier intervention they got from the aristocracy. These are immoralities that are close to place for the shepherds on the Yorkshire Moors. Finally the chief character, Mak, comes along claiming to be a higher-class citizen than he truly is. The shepherds know Mak though. He has a repute as a common stealer. The shepherds are tired and lie down to kip but are wary of Mak and inquire that he sleep between them so that he could non be up to anything. Soon they fall asleep and Mak ( infixing some heathen elements ) casts a thaumaturgy enchantment over the sleeping shepherds that they may non wake up for some clip. He so gets up and bargains a random-access memory from their flocks and takes it place to his married woman Gill. Good married woman, open the hek! Sees thou non what I bring? I may thole the camion the snek. Ah, come in, my sweeting! Yea, 1000 that non rek of my long standing By the bare cervix art 1000 like for to hing. Make manner: I am worthy my meat ( Wakefield 470 ) They are hapless and intend to eat it. Gill chides him though and warns him that this wickedness will acquire him killed. She decides a program to maintain the sheep covered in a cradle so that when the shepherds come impeaching Mak and looking for their sheep they will non happen it. Gill will feign to be retrieving from childbearing and will sham that the covered lamb is re4ally their newborn kid. Mak likes this thought and returns to the sleeping shepherds to lie back between them as though nil has happened. When they arrived, Mak wakes to state them that he has dreamt that his married woman Gill has given birth to a kid. He complains how hapless they are and that his married woman is ever pregnant with another kid. He leaves them to travel and help his married woman. The shepherds split up but arrange to run into once more subsequently that afternoon. When they do run into they realize a sheep has been stolen and they suspect Mak. In the interim, Gill and Mak are fixing their str ategy. Soon the shepherds arrive at the house. Gill is groaning and Mak is feigning to sing a cradlesong to the babe. The shepher Ds search the house happening no lamb and believing that the babe under screen is truly a babe, they wish the household good and travel to go forth. . When we had long napped, me thought with a gyn A fat sheep he trapped, but he made no blare. Thy dream makes thee woode: It is but apparition, by the roode, Now God, turn all to good, If it be his will ( Wakefield 471 ) Daw returns to give the babe a buss and when he lifts the screen he discovers the truth. Gill tries to go on the prevarication by claiming that the kid was sabotaged by faeries and turned into a lamb. Mak insists it is his inheritor. Finally caught in the act and told he should be hung and Gill burned, Mak begs for like and promises neer to intrude once more. He says if he does so, so they can decapitate him. The shepherds end up merely fliping him in a cover. They shortly forget about Mak when an angel appears to them that dark, stating them of the birth of Christ. They visit Christ, and leave, sing vocals of congratulations. That is filled with His grace and have a new joy and hope in life. In The Second Shepherds Play, the beginning is really black, but is balanced out by the optimistic stoping. The writer s gap has the shepherds turn toing the blue clime, their poorness and their oppressive intervention by the aristocracy. The obvious purpose is to learn the narrative of Christ s birth, and give out a clear message of hope. He draws the regular medieval layperson in by turn toing obvious modern-day jobs. He so introduces a stock amusing figure ( Mak ) to convey amusing alleviation. By parodying the Christian narrative of the Nativity with the pathetic strategy of the stolen lamb in the cradle, the writer is able to skid in a Christian message that the mundane individual could understand. The analogue of the stolen sheep ( disguised as Mak s latest inheritor ) prevarication in a cradle and the existent Lamb of God Born in a stable among animals is obvious. In a sense, the fact that the writer reenacts the Nativity in the ludicrous strategy with a common stealer and his alcoholic married woman suggests the Christian impression that Christianity is for everybody particularly the lowly. One of the chief points, nevertheless, is the charity twice shown by the shepherds: foremost, to the supposed boy of Mak, and 2nd, to Mak and Gill when they decide to allow them off with merely the mildest of penalties. Their Acts of the Apostless of charity and forgiveness are awarded when they are invited to see the Christ kid, the incarnation of charity. Hail, autonomous Jesus, for 1000 has us sought! Hail, freely nutrient and flour, that all things was shaped! Hail, full of favor, that made all of zero! Hail! I kneel and I cower. A bird have I brought To my barn Hail, small tyne swab! ( Wakefield 480 ) In contrast, the adult females in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight place the Virgin Mary ( stand foring religious love, obeisance, celibacy, and life ) against Morgan and Bertilak s married woman ( who represent noncompliance, lust and decease ) . Bertilak s married woman is runing unassisted against Gawain in the sleeping room as the huntsman and attacker. Morgan is the provoker of the secret plan which begins the narrative, and she is strong plenty to travel into Bertilak s palace, turn him green and order him to walk and speak with a cut off hear. Lady Bertilak is seen in the Biblical function of enchantress as Eve. Gawain derives his art and bravery from his particular relationship with Mary. And at that sanctum tide He prays with all his might That Mary may be his usher Till a home comes in sight ( Gawain 203 ) Equally long as Gawain is confronting the dangers which grow out of his deal with the Green Knight, which does non prove his beliing truenesss in love, his religious religion is clear and undaunted and his art and bravery clasp. On his journey to look for the Green Knight he is beset by a figure of adversities and is eventually at the point of desperation. As he lies stop deading in the wood he prays to Mary to happen him shelter and a topographic point to state mass on Christmas Eve. She answers his supplications and leads him to Bertilak s palace. When Gawain comes to Bertilak s tribunal he is thrown into a wholly different universe. And hence sighing he said, I beseech of Thee, Lord, And Mary, 1000 mildest female parent so dried-up, Some harbourage where haply I might hear mass And thy morning prayers tomorrow-meekly I ask it, And thereto suggestion and pray my pater and ave and credo ( Gawain 203 204 ) Gawain is a knight that begins a journey toward decease with deep religion. Gawain is a adult male all entirely going to about certain decease. This journey is entirely Gawain s ; no 1 can soothe him but God, where he finds his strength. His chief concern is to make some harbourage where haply ( he ) might hear mass. The clip is near to Christmas ; Gawain s demand for a proper topographic point to pray to expose his religion, is great because of his state of affairs. He meekly asks this of Christ and Mary. Gawain s praying is closer to imploring than anything else. He implores God to steer him to shelter. He besides prays to Mary, the mildest female parent, in hopes of happening a topographic point to remain over Christmas. When he ways mildest, he most likely means the disused definition of the word, sort or gracious. Naming Mary this is a spot of desirous believing on Gawain s portion. He hopes that through God s will and Mary s generousness, he won t be praying at a stopgap commun ion table in the snow on Christmas. Gawain meekly asks for harbourage. He is far from a mild knight, but he humbles himself so highly before God, Mary, and Christ, trusting they take notice of his humbleness and reply his supplications. He needs reassurance that God knows he believes and is meriting of salvation. By praying in a proper location, Gawain could demo God his devotedness. His desirous thought is non misplaced. Despite all he has endured therefore far, Gawain remains a low retainer of the Lard. Instantaneously, his supplications are answered. In comparing and contrasting the adult females in these narratives we can see the attitudes and doctrines which were emerging and determining the functions specific to people s lives. Among there were thoughts and imposts, which had dictated highly subservient lives for adult females. One of the characters in The Wife of Bath contradicts many of these oppressive imposts and asserts her ain appraisal of the functions of adult females in society and in relationships. However, while trying to asseverate female laterality over work forces, the consequence the married woman desires is to convey work forces and adult females to a more balanced degree of power. It is the married womans purpose to demo that entry to the desires and demands of adult females does non ensue in the male being dominated. Actually, the terminal consequence is two people who are happy and secure in their love for one another and respectful of each others power. The terminal consequence in the narratives is that the twosomes become happy. They fight no more and unrecorded in peace. They understand the value of equilibrating the power in relationships. If we look behind the lives of work forces, we find history is frequently herstory. He said his supplication with suspirations, Lamenting his misbehavior ; He crosses himself, and calls On Christ in his great demand ( Gawain 204 ) 350

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Communication - Essay Example Online marketing, one among the effective methods of marketing is implemented by most of the product manufacturing companies. The online marketing will enable the organization to have a better reach and relationship with the customers. Online marketing is advantageous as the customers have the option of ordering products which are currently unavailable. Online sales have been topping the charts of retail sales. In a business environment, online marketing and sales have become an ideal part. The online marketing opportunities provide a wide range of advantages there by helping the company to improve its reputation and to develop the business at a faster pace. As the reach of online sales is more, people prefer to buy products online rather than visiting the shop personally. A business must also maintain the management strategies in order to increase the business efficiency. This report describes the importance of online sales and the advantages and disadvantages of online marketing. It explains the effects of online marketing and how it helps in the process of business development and growth. I would like to indicate the effects the concept of marketing has on the company. As an employee of the organization, I would take this as an opportunity to suggest the various ways improve the company’s sales. The purpose of this paper is to enable the company to implement strategies that would help them to build a better organization in terms of product manufacturing, marketing and creating a wave among the customers. I would give them several ideas on how to interact with the customers in a better way. The properties of online marketing would also be used to highlight the effect marketing and how they help to improve the company’s relationship with the employees, investors and the customers. The research findings help the organization to have a complete

Investigating business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Investigating business - Assignment Example Started by Jack Cohen as a sole proprietor business, the business attained developments after the entrepreneur built a warehouse and headquarter in north London. After being registered as a private company in 1932, new developments followed after floating the company’s stocks in the stock market in 1947 (Pinto, 2012, pg.13). The company continued with its expansionary zeal by buying competitors shops. By 1970, the company developed its operations and the chain supermarkets became a household name throughout the United Kingdom (U.K). The company’s reputation developed through provision of basic groceries at competitive prices. With time, the company introduced luxury goods as people earned better incomes. By 1980s, the company continued to the building new stores recording a hundred stores by 1985. The company’s vision of expansion on different consumer products continued through investing in different fields making it the largest independent retailer in the petro l industry by 1991 (Peterson, 2012, pg. 11). The company’s aims and objectives of reaching out to the wider customers ensure developing new customer-focused initiatives as well as other stores in different localities. Advancements in new customer-initiatives enhanced introduction of the customer loyalty card. Other developments ensure the company delivers the best customer products and the first company to introduce a healthy eating initiative. The healthy eating symbol branded the nutritional products thus making the company the first largest retailer to emphasize on nutritional value of the company’s brands to its customers. The company also maintains its expansion of retailing services through forming joint ventures and acquisitions. For example, the company joined with the Royal Bank in Scotland to enhance offering a variety of financial services. Consequently, the company introduced a visa card to enhance customer efficiency. The company currently offers a range o f financial

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critically evaluate the major characteristics of the Chinese style of Essay

Critically evaluate the major characteristics of the Chinese style of management and how it differs from traditional western management styles - Essay Example Most people under the Chinese management styles do receive instructions or duties from the managers though their. In the western part people work like managers since of the two –way communication they use while making decisions. While in China people have to be managed together with the managers due to benevolent father system. The Chinese management style is benevolent father where the parent will have to supervise the children on everything that needs to be done. The parent system of management believes in the discipline and the attention to details and manages the people at a micro level. This means that the benevolent manager spends a lot of time caring for the personal welfare of the employees, incase of conflict the benevolent system will have to solve the conflict in amicable manner. The benevolent system is regarded as part of the job to supervise all the employees in the organization. According to Michael (1996), the Chinese style of management is different from the t raditional western management since the western emulates managers who are resourceful democrat. This means that if one is the manager one will set the vision and strategy for the business but the company will have to empower the subordinate to execute. Western style of management encourages two –way communication with the employees and allows bottom decision making. In terms of working hours, the management style of Chinese is still different from the western traditional style of management. Ilan (2003) states that the economy of China is growing at a breakneck pace and long working hours for the employees is normal in business. The attitude towards time management and work is highly considered in China where an employee will have to work for so many hours and expected output should be high. Life balance is very different in China and the traditional western management style. Western

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hills beyond a river by Ni Zan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hills beyond a river by Ni Zan - Term Paper Example The essay "Hills beyond a river by Ni Zan" discovers the artwork by Ni Zan. Ni Zan earned the designation as one of the four masters of the Yuan dynasty along with Huang Gongwang, Wang Meng, and Wu Zhen because of his dedication on his art work and being active as a painter despite witnessing the transformation of his country into another form of government. Although he was born in an elite family in Jiangsu province, Southeast of China, he did not take advantage of their wealth to be schooled instead he spent more time in poetry recitals and paintings. Ni Zan who is also known as Yuan Zhen refused to join in any political and military activities in the government and to serve under the leadership of Zhang Shicheng who commanded Suzhou during those times. It was also this time that scholars were discouraged to participate in any affairs in the court but instead embark in â€Å"self cultivation† practice. Although, Yuan dynasty under the ruling of a Mongol leader, Kublai Khan c aused division of the Mongols and the imperial dynasty of China that resulted in disorganization within the government and social instability, the government did not strip the artists of their freedom to express their mind through their work. With this situation, Ni Zan went on travelling in the Southern part of China which is more peaceful at that time with his family during the fading years of the Yuan dynasty. When in the South, however famine struck in the region where Ni Zan lives which eventually lead the peasants to revolt. The reaction of Ni Zan with the situation is to leave the region and decided to give up his possessions including his paintings to his friends. He opted to live onto a houseboat he believes could give him the solitude he craves. His art works earned enough for their living as it was highly valued. It is believed that the elements and how he organized his paintings are all influenced by his contemporaries and on the situation he was in. When one looks at th e landscape painting â€Å"Hills beyond a river†, the first element he can appreciate are the trees because they were sketched to appear closer to the viewer. The viewer can see ordinary trees of different heights at the center firmly standing in a small mass of land that is slightly elevated from the pool of water below. The trees are observed to be a little scattered at the middle of the small island within the center of the painting. Further, it is obvious that the trees do not have much foliage but only enough to let the trees thrive for quite some time. The trees also look like they are drying especially the small one at the right side because it has no leaves at all. One cannot see other trees on either at the background or on the hills on the side. The visual acuity moves down to the basement of the painting where you can find a pool of water that looks like a river or a bigger lake steadily in place. Although, the elements used are nature, it is impossible to glimpse figure of animals or other form of life in the area. In between the small hills is a silent stream flowing by. Small stones can be seen to where the stream flows to meet with the bigger pool of water below. Small shrubs or plants are discernible on the small mass of hills on both the right side and left side from where the trees stand. On the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Declaration of Independence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Declaration of Independence - Essay Example Lee asked for a newly declared independent government, one that could form alliances and draw up a plan for confederation of the separate Colonies. The need for some such move had become increasingly clear during the last year, especially to George Washington, if for no other reason than as a rallying cry for his troops. The Virginia soldier chosen by Congress to general its Continental Army languished in New York, short of supplies, short of men and short of morale while facing the threat of a massive British offensive (House 2007).DiscussionCongress immediately turned to consider Jefferson's document. It would have to serve as a sort of early version of a press release--an explanation that could be disseminated at home and around the globe by broadside and to be read aloud at gatherings. Its statements had to inspire the troops and garner public support for the action Congress had just taken. Not surprisingly, Congress paid close attention to the document's language.The delegates t ook the time to spruce it up a little and edit out what they found objectionable. In general the Congress was fine with the vague sentiments of the early paragraphs that have since become the cornerstone of American democracy. What the delegates were more interested in, however, and what they saw as the meat of the document, were the more concrete declarations. For years, they had based their resistance to England on the belief they were not fighting a divinely chosen king, but his ministers and parliament. But during the previous 14 months the Crown had waged war on them, and King George had declared the Colonials in rebellion, that is, outside his protection. Common Sense had gotten them used to thinking of the king as that "royal brute" and this document were supposed to explain why he should be so considered. Thus Jefferson had produced a catalog of George III's tyrannies as its heart and soul (Hole 2001). Congress at length struck out some sentimental language in which Jefferson tried to paint the British people as brothers unconcerned to American suffering and a paragraph where he ran on about the glories the two people might otherwise have realized together. But more substantive changes were especially telling. Among George’s crimes, Jefferson had listed the slave trade, contending that the king had â€Å"waged a cruel war against human nature† by assaulting a â€Å"distant people† and moving them into slavery in â€Å"another hemisphere.† This was too much for Jefferson’s fellow slaveholders in the South, especially South Carolina, and certain Yankee traders who had made fortunes from what Jefferson called the â€Å"execrable commerce.† Together, representatives of these Southern and Yankee interests deleted the section. In any case, after more than two days of sometimes-heated debate, on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the revised document that explained its declaration of independence of July 2. The approval was not immediately unanimous, since the New York delegates had to await instructions from home and did not assent until July 9. At the time of approval, Congress

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

No particular topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

No particular topic - Essay Example ersight Service (IOS) was created in 2001 so as to improve not only the practice of governance but also the practice of internal control and risk management (UNESCO, 2015d). Therefore, aside from forming the â€Å"Internal Audit† branch, the IOS is also composed of two (2) other branches such as the â€Å"Investigation† and the â€Å"Evaluation† (UNESCO, 2015d). In general, UNESCO’s â€Å"Internal Audit† aims to improve its main operations by creating a systematic approach in improving the effectiveness of objectives (i.e. governance, internal control, and risk management) (UNESCO, 2015e) whereas the â€Å"Investigation† branch aims to investigate any conflict or any misconduct or violation of laws such as fraud and corruption that arises in different departments (UNESCO, 2015f). The main purpose of creating the â€Å"Evaluation Section† (EVS) is to ensure that the organization will be able to come up with a much better policy development (UNESCO, 2015g). Often times, improvements in evaluation practices can be done by implementing strict accountability and transparency as well as creating new strategies on how to effectively improve the existing evaluation and management practices (UNESCO, 2015g). ‘effectiveness’, ‘impact’, and ‘sustainability’ (Parsons, 2007, p. 8). In relation to the UNESCO evaluation criteria, this essay seeks to evaluate its impact on how to reduce the habit of smoking. As part of going through the main discussion, the key policy drivers behind the anti-smoking policy will be first identified followed by critically evaluating its effectiveness in terms of meeting the goal of reducing people’s smoking habit. Eventually, the effectiveness of the key policy drivers will be criticized not only within the local but also within the national and international level. The concept of policy development is all about being able to create â€Å"evidenced-based recommendations† that can be used as a guide in educating people through health

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Three Brief Topics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Three Brief Topics - Essay Example Eliade's The Sacred and the Profane are enlightens three categories. The Sacred which is a transcendent referent such as God or Nirvana, hierophany which is the advancement of the sacred into human experience where he discusses the revelation of the sacred in a person's life and the third category is idea of homo religiosus where Eliade considers the appreciation and devotion of one to such a breakthrough of supreme power. He describes numinous experience as an appropriate experience of the Sacred by religious human beings or homo religiosus. When a person can experience the amazing, mysterium tremendum and fascinans, both are awesomely fearful and the enthrallingly captivating aspects of the Holy or the wholly other. In expanding and expounding the phenomenological dimensions of the Sacred, Eliade describes the sacred experience in human being as a crucial point of orientation and at the same time it also reveals the ontological reality which is its source of homo religiosus experie nce. For an instance the space is characterized as the boundary between sacred and profane and thus locates the axis mundi as centre. Thus temples and tepees, homes and hearths become sacralized for homo religiosus. ... According to Gerardus even the most ordinary events such as the customary associations with one's neighbors or similarly one's long familiar tasks prove to be replete with mystic interconnections if one examines them more closely. One can completely ignore his own scheme of explanation in terms of single causes and can misconceive life as a broad current of mighty powers. If, for instance, one of the Toradja tribes in Celebes is preparing for an expedition and an earthen pot is broken, then they remain at home, saying that it is measa. This may be translated as a sign, indicating some future misfortune, but that the current of life has been interrupted: If then one thing has been broken, why not more Similarly, when a Ewe tribesman finds refuge from his enemies on a white ant hill he ascribes his escape to the power residing there. Thus the place, the action, the person in which the power reveals itself receives a specific character. Bearers of mana, for example, are sharply distingu ished from the rest of the world: they are self-sufficient.2 References: - The Nature of Religion. The Sacred and The Profane Pages 8-18 by Eliade Mircea Religion in Essence and Manifestation, volume 1 Chapter 4 Potency. Awe. Tabu. by Gerardus Van Der Leeuw, (1967) Pages 43-51 The nature and elements of myth Q2. Discuss the nature and elements of myth and explore a particular myth using the frameworks in the following texts: Chapter 2- Myth and Religion. In Myths: God, Heroes, and Saviors by Billias Leonard J (1986). Chapter 3 'Five monolithic theories'. The Nature of Greek Myths by Kirk G S (1974). Answer: - Myths are the stories from the remote past as in another world or an earlier stage of this

Automating computer usual processes Essay Example for Free

Automating computer usual processes Essay Nowadays, almost all kinds of establishments are relying on computers for automating their usual processes. Most of the manual systems in offices are replaced by the automated systems which use computer technology. Moreover, computers have also diminished the total manual works and the effectiveness of employees has also increased because of the dependence of establishments on computer technology. It helps also to perform the routine business tasks much quicker compared to the manual way of doing things. Computer nowadays is no longer considered a luxury but rather a necessity with the emergence of information technology 1 â€Å"We are in the so-called information age, and every transaction at every phase of the establishments depends on modern computing. † As observed, there are already many manual systems that are being replaced by the computerized ones. Some of these are the payroll, sales and monitoring, point of sale, enrollment, grading, library, and other related systems.. Integration with the people in the society is in demand for progress. The relation field of Information Technology concerns the use of computer-based information system to convert, process, protect, share, store, transmits and retrieve information. Technologies have brought us more advances on personal computer, to build new industries and change the lifestyle of each individual. These advances became more powerful and more productive for simultaneous growth in society and industries. Using Internet is one of the medium of today’s communication, people easily connect in the current events in their community and even outside their places and acquire necessary information in just a short period of time. 2As the saying goes, â€Å"Nothing is permanent than change† so as with Information Technology. This field will continue to prosper and continue to help change lives by improving it. Although most people, especially in the Philippines still prefer the old ways or manual transactions, the future Filipino generations will eventually embrace ch ange and not only that, but also be the one to provide change through the future students and graduates that will courageously take this field. Every bit of information is now considered as a powerful tool hence it should be used and managed with the utmost caution. This mere reason prompts many establishments to produce their own system  that will protect information. The Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development (BCHRD) was established to address the existing health condition in the Bicol region. It is a coordinating system involving various institutions in the region with interest in health research. The BCHRD was created upon the partnership with Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS), Regional Development Council (RDC) with the member institutions of : Department of Health (DOH) ,Bicol Regional and Training And Teaching Hospital(BRTTH), Commision on Higher Education (CHED) , Bicol University (BU), Catanduanes State University (CSU), University of Saint Anthony, Ago Medical and Educational Center (AMEC), Atedeo de Naga, University of Nueva Caseres, Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Aquinas Univ ersity of Legazpi (AUl), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Bicol Medical Center, Partido State University (PSU) . Universidad de Santa Isabel. The existing health condition in the region necessities the establishment of a strong health research and development (RD) coordinating system involving various institution in the region with interest in health research. Putting them together to work on consortium arrangement will promote complementation, thereby increase the synergy despite limited resources for RD undertakings. The Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development (BCHRD) was therefore established to address the afore mentioned concerns. The primarily goal and objective of BCHRD is to institute/strengthen the system collaboration in Bicol to develop and enhance the capacity of research institution within the region which have interest and engage in health related researches, as a strategy to improve the health condition of Bicolanos Specifically the consortium aims to : (a) Undertake and/or spearhead health related Research and Development (RD) activities; (b) Establish a collaborative system for effective shari ng and utilization of physical, financial and manpower resources among member-institution as well encourage the active involvement of non-members that will fave the way for expanding the membership of consortium; (c) Promote an effective collaboration and harmonious working relationship between among member-institutions in the conduct of researches in health, nutrition related fields; (d) Encourage, generate and provide funds for health –related researches in accordance with the health and nutrition priority  areas/sectors indicated in the plans of the Regional Development Council (RDC) and the Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS); (e) Develop the capability in manpower, facilities and other infrastructure for health and nutrition and other related researches; (f) Effectively promote the proper utilization of health research findings; (g) Serve as clearing house for all health related researches; (h) Establish linkages/network within and outside the region ; and (i) Institute a mechanism and implement strategies for a sustained visibility of the consortium and ensure a long-term viability of the consortium. Monitoring system is not just used in the field of industry; it has also a very significant role in improving the quality of education in the country (Philippines). Once this technological approach is implemented a full assurance that the aimed quality of educational system will be able to reach its peak of being more organized and well improved system In terms of paper works, these two types of management system can easily manage the projects through having an Proposal monitoring system. Archiving system refers to the process of moving data through an automated storage device that helps the people to access the data easily. Before, an archival record was identified with manuscripts or with written records. Years passed by, archival record refers to recorded information, specifically in paper-based transforming it to automated form method. Implementing an archiving system of records can do task of organizing, monitoring and easy generation of reports. On the other hand, all the Research proposal that are pending, denied or approve must be monitored in order to ease the different operations and functions of organizations. In this study, monitoring system for the research proposal of the institution is the most needed to work to. This system updates the current status of the research project. In addition, monitoring system has a significant role in improving the quality of the implemented projects to be able to reach its goal. Because of its function, they are having problems in a certain field. They seem to have problems in the management of projects from time to time. In addition, the increasing burden of creating and maintaining the archive of projects. Their file storage is full of projects making it a burden when finding a needed project. This study aimed to create a system for the Bicol Consortium for  Health Research and Development. It covered the storing and updating of projects that are processed in the department and al so uploading projects in the system that can be retrieved easily. Statement of objective General Objectives This study aims to develop a research proposal and monitoring management system for the Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development. Specific Objectives 1.) To create a system that will facilitate research proposal and monitor status for approval. 2.) To develop a monitoring system for all ongoing researches. 3.) To record all pending, approved and rejected proposals, and ongoing and completed research of the health proponent/researcher. 4.) To create a secure system for monitoring of research proposals and projects. 5.) To generate reports on the status of research projects and proposals. Scope of the System Check the requirements for filing a proposal Keep track of the status of the proposal Keep track of the research’s accomplishments and budgets Monitor progress of ongoing research Scope and Delimitation This study is about Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development. This will cover the checking of requirements the tracking and monitoring of the proposal. It has the overall planning, coordination, and control of a project from beginning to completion. The system records the detailed planning, proposed, on-going and finished projects in the department. Old  files were also scanned and be saved as pdf. The secretary, regional administrator, institution head and all the member of the health research were given privileged to view the system. The employees may ask the administrator of each section if they need files that were in the system. The head administrator provides admin accounts for each section head. The proposal monitoring management system has different sections for the storage of projects (proposed, on-going and finished projects) and it provided easy access to the projects’ status and tracks the finished projects that are archived. Old and new files are archived in this system. The date could only be searched, retrieved and printed. The archive could be searched by date, name etc. As for the proposal monitoring management system, it provided an automated monitoring and checking the status of ongoing research development. It has additional features, like the user is notified for the reminders of the agency; and the system is secured by providing administrator restrictions. On the other hand, the proposed system would not include other health researcher that are not member of the institutions that are part of BCHRD. The study only focused on the automation of storage of all projects that would be made and were done, monitoring its status among various sections of PDMO and provide an automated maintenance plan in monitoring, checking and repairing of items. Significance of the Study The result of the study will benefit the following: Bicol University. College of Science One of the four-fold functions of a university or any academic institution is research. This study will be another contribution to the research achievements of the university. BCHRD (Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development).This lessened the manual labor of the agency through the use of the system which operates the research projects and monitoring plans for BCHRD. Employee. The system helped the employee to do their job efficiently, properly and effectively. Students This study will serve as an educational  and reference material for their future studies and undertakings. This may also give an idea on making their own versions of the existing software, thus presenting their own modifications. Researchers. This study which is connected to the Research Proposal Monitoring and Management System will improved the researchers’ knowledge in programming skills and their sense of responsibility. Future Researchers. Students who will undertake future research projects can use this study as reference material. This will provide the future researches sufficient information with regards to system development. Definition of Terms For better understanding of the study, the following terms were defined operationally or concepltually: Research Proposal an study that request time and fund from instition Monitoring Management System the process of checking the updates and status of ongoing health research Proponent in this study the proponent is the person who is requsting or conducting health researh Storage. , this term refers to the method of storing finished and proposed projects for future use. Secure System in this study this term refers to a system that cannot be easily tamper the information that is stored. EDIT OR E-REVISE NIO Notes 1 The Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge, USA: Grolier Incorporated, 1995 (accessed on May 19, 2014 9:05am) 2 (Accessed on: May 20, 2014 2:18PM) â€Å"What is Information Technology?†.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Understand Your Fats and Fiber Essay Example for Free

Understand Your Fats and Fiber Essay Trans fatty acids are seen on ingredient labels as â€Å"partially hydrogenated oils†. Hydrogenated fats are considered as trans fats because these fats have been created in an industrial process. Trans-fatty acids are harmful because they raise the bad or LDL cholesterol levels and lower the HDL or good cholesterol levels in our bodies. They also increase the risk of heart disease and strokes and have also been associated with developing type 2 diabetes. Unsaturated fats are found in fish, nuts, seeds, and oils from plants, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are two unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are good for the body because they help lower blood cholesterol levels. Fiber helps normalize bowel movements, maintain bowel integrity and health, lowers blood cholesterol levels, helps control blood sugar levels, aid in weight loss, and may even reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Lipids are also known as cholesterol that is a component found in blood fats. Dietary fiber can be found fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Dietary fibers are commonly classified into two categories, insoluble fiber (don’t dissolve in water), and soluble fiber (those that do dissolve in water). A diet high in fiber decreases the chance of constipation by producing a stool that bulky and easy to pass. High fiber in the diet may lower the risk of developing hemorrhoids, and diverticular disease (small pouches in colon). Soluble fiber that can be found in beans, oats, and flaxseed may help lower bad cholesterol levels and can slow the absorption of sugar and this can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Adding more fiber to your diet can also help with weight loss. References Fats 101. (2012).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Organic Chicken Farming Advantages And Disadvantages Environmental Sciences Essay

Organic Chicken Farming Advantages And Disadvantages Environmental Sciences Essay One of the main goals of organic chicken farming is self sufficiency. Taking responsibility from beginning to end of the life cycle of chickens, and creating a more sustainable farm is one of their missions. Organic chicken have been found to have fewer toxins than commercially raised poultry which often contains hormones, antibiotics, and trace amounts of pesticides (Wozniak 2010). Organic farms use brooders; chicken tractors, organic feed, as well as the Government Districts provided the basic equipment needed to do the processing. The District purchases a set of Kill Cones, a Scalder and a Plucker from the Featherman Company to rent out to small farmers for on farm use, and we were the first farm that used this equipment. When analyzing the advantages of organic poultry, flavor, nutrients, and lack of chemicals being present tend to outweigh the price change. Many aspects about meat quality are also taken into consideration when processing organic chicken. Many things need to be i dentified such as; age at slaughtering, physical activity, pasture intake, and genetic strains (Castellini 2008). The chickens at the majority of organic farms are not given any growth hormones or antibiotics. This process is creating new awareness about commercially raised chicken, which may also be exposed to contaminants, like heavy metals, which appear in some commercial chicken food (Fakayode 2003). Health risks for commercially raised chickens compared to organically grown locally processed chickens, is prevalent throughout our food industry, and farms need to take action. Introduction Organic chicken farming is seen as more beneficial than other forms of organic meat production because the animals take up less space and grow to large sizes relatively quickly. Organic chicken is raised without antibiotics due to hormones being illegal in the United States. The health of your chicken flock is more difficult to keep up with due to the lack of drugs to speed development. Organic feed costs more than conventional feed, but organic chickens are sold for higher prices. The good outweighs the difficulties when it comes to organic chicken raising and processing. The use of organic feed, has been produced without chemicals and has not had any chemicals that were applied for at least three years. The price increases for organic chickens are due to the cost of feed, production, and labor needed for processing and the extra care that is used for organic chickens. The materials used for disinfecting livestock facilities should be non-synthetic or they should be on the National List and consistently used with any restrictions. Currently, the only synthetic equipment and facility cleaners allowed in organic farms are chlorine products such as sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite, and chlorine dioxide; hydrogen peroxide, and phosphoric acid. Organic food production has increased 20% a year, which is far ahead of the rest of the industry, all over the world (Fakayode 2003). Methods Organic Chicken Processing begins with an area called a brooder. A brooder is a heated container that can have its temperature controlled in at least one area. It is used to confine chickens with their feed and water until six weeks old then placed outside. After six weeks old the broiler chickens are taken and transferred into chicken tractors which are made out of all recycled material, and includes recycled corrugated plastic roofing. With half of the roof open and the other half plastic roofing, it allows the chickens to be protected from weather conditions. The enclosed box is without a floor, a bell drinker is used for water, and chicken feeders are placed along the tractor, under the enclosed area. Chickens are fed twice a day organic grain blend. These chicken tractors keep chickens protected from predators such as, coyote, raccoons, and owls. It also allows chickens to fertilize the pastures. They are placed on a strict rotation schedule of two to three times a day rotation to clear grass areas. The pen is then moved two times a day so that the chickens manure will be spread out more and wont kill the grass as easily. It will also allow the chickens more fresh grass. A special dolly is placed under one of the 10ft. sides. The pen is then pulled from the opposite end. A wire with a piece of cut garden hose on it is attached to the bottom board at each of the corners of the 10ft. side. The person then lifts up the end of the pen with the wire, holding on to the garden hose and pulls the pen with the makeshift dolly 12ft. until the back edge of the pen is where the front end was before moving. On farm slaughter is truly a process, requiring specialized equipment, planning and hard work. The Pierce County Conservation District provides organic farms of the area basic equipment needed to continue with the processing. The District purchases Kill Cones, Scalder, and a Plucker from the Featherman Company to rent out to small farmers for on farm use. The proces sing begins with inserting the chickens head down into the kill cones, grasping the head and cutting the carotid arteries to efficiently bleed the chickens. The next step is hanging the birds two at a time on the dunker and scalded them in 150F water to loosen the feathers. A 5-7 second dunk into the dunker allows for the feathers to be pulled out by hand without resistance. The birds are then placed into the plucker, which looks like a washing machine, and it plucks them clean. The last steps are; cutting the feet off, pull off head, eviscerate, rinse and chill the birds. Refrigerate the birds and freeze them in gallon bags. Results Organic farming allows for the earths increasing population to contribute to a healthy, happy, and natural world. The variation of benefits that are created when farming organically, create positive aspects for the direct species and the environment. The recycling of organic wastes as soil additions is especially promoted in sustainable agricultural farming systems. Due to the area the chickens are raised in, we as consumers depend on organic meat quality, which is easily determined. There are many things that need to be identified such as; age at slaughtering, physical activity, pasture intake, and genetic strains (Castellini 2008). Organic food production is extremely regulated industry, different than that of private gardening. Special certification is used in order to market food as organic within state borders. Some certifications allow for certain amounts of chemicals and pesticides to be used so consumers need to the standards of organic in there area. Commercial chicken has t he possibility of being exposed to heavy metals and other contaminants (Fakayode 2003). Organic chicken meat has many positive aspects that come along with it. Organic meat has been found to have a shorter shelf life and have less fat content compared to traditionally raised and commercially processed chicken (Lewis et al. 1997). The variety of additions that are found in commercially raised poultry include hormones, antibiotics, and various amounts of pesticides, all that could affect a populations health (Wozniak 2010). This creates an increase in the health effects for organic chicken and allows for the absence of chemicals into our systems. Health can also be negatively affected if the organic chicken is raised improperly, and could possibly carry a higher case of salmonella. Health risks that are associated with commercially raised chickens and the antibiotics that are used on them, have been shown with research to increase risk of cancer, onset of puberty, and germ resistance in some people (Salter 2010). On organic farms, soil fertility is maintained mainly with organic matter from animals that are present, in contrast to conventional farmers who use fresh manure, chemical fertilizers, and large amounts of pesticides. Organic chicken has many different flavors due to the lack of these pesticides and fertilizers. There is also more flavor in chicken thats not commercially produced, it tends to be tenderer and have more complex flavors (Castellini 2006). The benefits outweigh the costs of creating an organic farm. Some issues revolving around organic chicken have been found to have more fat than protein in some farms due to type of organic food intake (Wang 2010). Enhancement of biodiversity through organic farming should not be assumed to be perfect; the benefits may be offset by crop type, organic management practices and the specific habitat requirements in the surrounding landscape. Due to the large varieties of organic farming practices each farm has its own requirements based on state issued regulations. Cost is also of issue due to the high prices of feed grain for organic chicken and this in turn is causing an increase in chicken prices at markets. Organic chicken has many health benefits and also some disadvantages to consumers. These issues are thoroughly being researched in the environmental world, and will continue to break new ground. Cost, production, and handling techniques are all measured and calculated in order to show the known advantages of organic farms processing chickens. Sustainability is an important issue to organic farms and with fully processing chickens it will create a circle of balance between the chicken egg all the way up until it is processed.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Paradox of Discovery in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Frank

The Paradox of Discovery in Frankenstein      Ã‚   In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the concept of "discovery" is paradoxical: initial discovery is joyful and innocent, but ends in misery and corruption. The ambitions of both Walton and Frankenstein (to explore new lands and to cast scientific light on the unknown, respectively) are formed with the noblest of intentions but a fatal disregard for the sanctity of natural boundaries. Though the idea of discovery remains idealized, human fallibility utterly corrupts all pursuit of that ideal. The corruption of discovery parallels the corruption inherent in every human life, in that a child begins as a pure and faultless creature, full of wonder, but hardens into a self-absorbed, grasping, overly ambitious adult. Only by novel's end does Walton recognize that he must abandon his own ambition (the mapping of previously uncharted land), out of concern for the precious lives of his crew.    The first two occurrences of the word "discovery" occur quite early in the novel, in Walton's first letter to his sister. He compares his feelings on the expedition to a child's joy (14). Walton reminds her of his uncle's large library of "discovery" literature (tales of seamen and adventurers), all of which he devoured as a child. He writes of his disappointment when his father forbade him, on his deathbed, to "embark in a seafaring life" (14). Walton later tells Frankenstein that his crew is on a "voyage of discovery"; it only at the mention of this word that Frankenstein agrees to board the ship (24).    Once on board, Frankenstein recounts his history. Frankenstein, too, was possessed by a youthful fixation: the desire to acquire scientific knowledge, and to create an indestructible... ...ich may be described as a desperate addiction to discovery   is a fine concept but a dangerous practice. Man's natural flaws debase any professed altruistic goal; all attempts at discovery are ultimately revealed to be corrupt, selfish, and misbegotten.    Works Cited and Consulted: Brooks, Peter. "'Godlike Science/ Unhallowed Arts': Language, Nature,and Monstrosity". The Endurance of Frankenstein. Ed. George Levine. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Ed. Candace Ward. New York, Dover, 1994. Spark, Muriel. Mary Shelley. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1987. Stevenson, Leslie. The Study of Human Nature: A Reader. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Walling, William A. Mary Shelley. New York: Twayne, 1972. Wolff, Robert P. About Philosophy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.      

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture Essay -- History Architectural goth

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture The 11th to 15th centuries saw a great surge of the Christian Church within Europe which was emphasized by the persuasiveness of the Crusades. The growing population of the Church increased the demand for the increased presence in architectural monuments and during the Romanesque and Gothic periods, a great cathedral construction boom occurred across Europe. The Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles were distinctive in not only the massiveness of the Romanesque monuments and the introduction of the cruciform plan but also for the introduction of the Gothic era art within the Cathedrals which included the inclusion of art the radiating Rose Window, column figures and the gargoyle among many others. Within Europe, there was a progression of architectural styles, many of which are still evident in the monuments today. The major styles are considered as Carolingian (800-900 AD); Ottonian (1000s); Romanesque (1000s-1100s); Gothic (late 1100s-1400s). While Romanesque is considered as the architectural style which preceded the Gothic, many of the distinct Romanesque features found within the great cathedrals of Europe were lost to the greater Gothic movement. However, many Romanesque features, as well as the earlier Carolingian reside within the Gothic-built monuments. The Romanesque name is deliberate in its direct relation to the styling designs found in Rome and there most distinctive feature is their massiveness as opposed to the much more thin monuments of the Gothic era which followed. An important structural development during the Romanesque period was the origin of the vault. The vault was originally designed as an alternative to the more fire prone wooden roofs but soon became a major architectural feature in all cathedrals. The Romanesque era and style also refers to the Norman variations in the church architecture which also occurred in the late 12th century. The Twin towers are considered examples of the typical Norman facade developed during the Romanesque period and which are now considered a standard of medieval cathedrals. Another development during the relatively short Romanesque period was the origins of the cruciform structure of the church in that church plans (as seen from above) are in the form of a crucifix; a feature usually associated with the later Gothic styles but which had originate... ..., which was obviously influenced by Roman architecture saw the development of massive structures and Cathedrals and also included the introduction of the architectural features of the vaulted roofs. The Gothic period and saw the development of the Cathedral construction boom in which several innovative art forms were also introduced in the Church design. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cedron, R. Romanesque: Foundations Stones of Learning. Earthlore. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cedron, R. Blackford, N. (2001). Gothic Dreams: Appreciating a Cultural Legacy. Earthlore. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cedron; Blackford, N. (2002). Art Periods and Styles related to Gothic Architecture. Earthlore. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  KMLA: Korean Minjok Leadership Academy. (2001, September 17). Basilicae, Cathedrals, Abbeys - Large Scale Ecclesiastic Architecture. World History at KMLA. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Neagley, L. Gothic and Romanesque Architecture. Rice University, Humanities Electronic Studio Project.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Stages of the Haulocost Essay -- Hitler, Genocide, Jewish, human ri

Just before the second Great War, 6 million Jews were killed along with 5 million non-Jews (Miss Belevski, 2008, The Holocaust, slide #2). This atrocity and genocide of Jewish population was widely known as The Holocaust. The man who led genocide was Adolph Hitler, the leader of the Nazis, a fascist party that took control during the German Depression in the 1920s. When Hitler came in power, one of his promises was to end the â€Å"Question of the Jews†. A series of steps of the Holocaust was the â€Å"Stages of Isolation† (Miss Belevski, 2008, Stages of Isolation: Holocaust, p.1). This plan which was created by Hitler made millions die in vain. ‘In 1935, the law of Nuremberg Race was decreed’ (Miss Belevski, 2008, Stages of Isolation: Holocaust, p.2); this was the first step of the â€Å"Stages of Isolation†. With this new policy, Jewish people were stripped out of their rights; they were pulled out of schools, fired from work, and no longer held th e title â€Å"persons† or a citizen of Germany. Step two was segregation. Jews were transported to â€Å"ghettos† and many died of starvation or disease. Step 3 and 4 were concentration camps and extermination, where the mass killings began. Jews were forced into concentration camps where they would work till they die. In order to take away their identity and treat them as animals, they were not allowed to have hair or wear clothes. Many inhumane practices and terrifying stories happened in these deadly camps, such as laboratory experiments, human flesh purses, and the lady who swallowed her diamonds because that was all she had. Extermination killed millions of Jews, people who did not die from the concentration camps would be gassed in gas chambers, and mobile killing units were established to eliminate J... ...soners’ (Miss Belevski, 2008, The Holocaust, slide â€Å"Cold heart Facts†). We learnt an important lesson from the Holocaust and now we must stand up and protest for what is justice and what we believe in. To ensure peace and humanity in our world we must take action and be part of the solution. Problems in our world today, such as global warming, poverty cycle in Africa and the war in Iraq all relate to us and we must use our powers and strengths to help in anyway we can. We must not think like the countries during the 30s, these problems are not far away and they do concern us indirectly and directly. We must not blame God for what have happened. God was simply testing our abilities to protect and stand up for what is justice and humanity. We must learn from our lesson and stay united to ensure mistakes such as the Holocaust and other genocides will never occur again.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Google: Organization; Management Essay

1. Compare and contrast each of the organizational structures from your reading. There are two organizational structures mentioned in text; Hierarchical Organizational Structure and Organic Organizational Structure with two possibilities of their structures being one of that of vertical or horizontal. The hierarchical organizational structure consists of a â€Å"set of formal task and formal relationships† (Daft, 2012). The military is an example of a form of hierarchical organizational structure. It is a structure that is clearly stated of â€Å"powers and authority and with a developed bureaucratic control system† (Wk3, Lec. pg. 2, 2012). This control system instills power and authority through rules, policies, programs and training manuals (Wk3, Lec. pg. 2, 2012). In comparison, a hierarchical organizational structure as with an organic organizational structure, they both possess upper levels of management that are responsible for making â€Å"major decisions† (Wk3, Lec. Sum., 2012). Organic organizational structures, although are similar in comparison to hierarchical organizational structures in the since of upper management making key decisions, there are many differences in contrast to the hierarchical organizational structures (Wk3, Lec. pg. 2, 2012). Most large organizations tend to be organic due to the complexity of technology that have more emphasis on detailed work being assigned and to who, and who will concentrate more on â€Å"decision – making authority† (Zanzi, 1987). In a hierarchical organizational structure continuum, â€Å"taking risk† is not encouraged as it could mean the life or death of someone (Wk3, Lec. pg. 2, 2012). However, in the organic organizational structure, risk are taken every day and in fact are commonly encouraged (Wk3, Lec. pg. 2, 2012). 2. If you were to choose one structure in which to work, which would you choose and why? I believe I would choose the hierarchal organizational structure. To me the organic organizational structure could be over burdensome to just one or a few individuals who may be in control of more than one group of employees or departments. When the development of the hierarchical organizational structure is implemented, then you have many different means in which to carry out many different functions and distribute the work to. With this structure I can develop a plan easier and know it will be carried out on time, accurately and see the results and get reports from the structure below. It’s like a baseball team; it takes all 9 players to cover the field cause you never know in which direction the ball will be hit to. Covering virtually every aspect will assure that the ball is almost always controlled ant the play is made. 3. Compare the organizational structures of Google and Wal-Mart. Google has an organizational structure that once seemed hierarchical in nature and characteristics when it first began, thus mimicking business organizational structure in order for it to get off the ground. The use of fast forward, concurrent and feedback controls were in place as well. However, Google has recently â€Å"minimized hierarchy and maximized what can be done at the individual contributing level† (Mohamed, 2006). Google tend to allow its employees the opportunity to contribute new innovative ideas to the company. Innovation through the ranks is the norm now at Google. At Wal-Mart, they too have built a strong market in the online business market (virtual), (Mmr, 2011). With its move into the virtual market place, as with Google, organic, yet more horizontal organizational structure so too is Wal-Mart’s online presents (Mmr, 2011). 4. Explain what types of control processes might be found in each of the organizational structures. There are three control processes; Feed forward, Concurrent and Feed Back. It is noted that â€Å"all three systems of controls are essentials to successful management and use resources for meeting goals† (Wk3, Lec. Pg. 1 2012). If this is the case, then we must consider that each control has a place in which it must monitor. With Feed forward controls, this action begins before a new product or a program or plan is implemented to gain â€Å"feedback in advance† (Wk3, Lec. pg. 1, 2012), this in order to make plans towards the start of a new product, plan or goal. With concurrent controls, this is to gain knowledge of how the new product, plan or goal is coming along, working or functioning during its progress or after it’s implemented. Then with the feedback controls, we get the product, plan or goal results and are able to make adjustments, adaptations to or change our product, plan or goal to operate the way it was originally designed to do so (Wk3, Lec. pg. 1, 2012). 5. Describe what types of quality management processes might be found in each of the organizational structures. First, I believe we have to understand what control is in order to find the quality management process found in each organizational structure. Monitoring activities within the organization based on the â€Å"expectations established in plans† (Daft, 2012) determine organizational controls. Controls establish how those things are handled and not dominance (Wk3, Lec. pg. 1, 2012).. Standards, methods and how those are measured determine quality. Once all these line up you hve what is referred to as a â€Å"balance scorecard† (Daft, 2012). In the hierarchical organizational structure, the type of quality management found there would be best optimized by using total quality management, as with the military. Total quality management improves the originations performance at every level. Since the hierarchal organizational structure is more vertical in characteristics, then it will have more of a need for improvements, because there are more levels that need controls (Daft, 2012). As with organic organizational structures, perhaps a quality management process type best for this structure would be something like â€Å"ISO (000† (Daft, 2012). When I worked at Allied Chemical, years ago, Allied traded and did business on an international scale. Its standard of quality wasn’t restricted to that of just the United States. It had to comply with foreign standards as well and we were ISO 9000 certified. I had to take extra training classes in quality management because of the international standards that were imposed on our products that were sold abroad. Also, with the organization I chose, Google, which is an organic organizational structure, Google also operates on an international scale. So a good example would be the type of quality found in the ISO 9000 certification process which is outlined by the â€Å"International Organization for Standards† (Daft, 2012). Reference Daft , R., (2012). Management, 10th Ed.  © 2012, 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning, Mason, Ohio. Retrieved from: MGT2037 S02: Principles of Management: Week 3: Lecture, p. 1 – Summary. Retrieved from Mohamed, A. (2006). Google woos talent in code competition. Computer Weekly, 49. U.S. Business Is Reenergized by Wal-Mart. (2011). MMR, 28(1), 42. Zanzi, A. (1987). How organic is your organization? – Determinants of organic/mechanistic tendencies in a public accounting firm. Journal of Management Studies, 24(2), 125-142. Retrieved from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Monday Morning Leadership: 8 Mentoring Sessions You Can’t Afford to Miss Essay

Monday forenoon Leadership gate room For any credit line to thrive in that location ought to be a stable management. Jeff, a occupation manager is experiencing numerous problems at his institution since things seem to be f every last(predicate) apart hence, the company is at the room access of collapsing (Cottrell 9). In order to maintain his line of reasoning, Jeff decides to adjudicate the helper of Tony who non only a mentor but overly a speaker who is sought by galore(postnominal) people. Tony agrees to help him but only after agreeing with certain conditions. Apart from spending a period of eight weeks with him, Tony as well asks Jeff to cover the information he will hear in the problem. This is because Jeffs problems ar not tailor-made, hence, other people can also learn from these insights. For instance, in the first Monday, Jeff was asked to ever tell the truth in growth to trying something different as comfortably as starting and finishing all tasks on d uration (Cottrell 17). The study intends to target Tonys Monday Morning Leadership skills in addition to lessons learnt and how they benefit me individually.The First Monday On this day, Jeff starts by lamenting some of the problems he is undergoing in his place of work. harmonize to Jeff, business was getting tougher every single day. Although roughly of his team was intact, there are many issues being ignored and this is directly affect performance. After hearing this lament, Tony states that challenges are fateful. However, in order to overcome challenges, it is essential that ace seek the assistance from third parties. harmonise to Tony, advice from professionals is essential since they help us impression at situations from a different scene (Cottrell 19) On this particular day, Tony comes up with a number of lessons for Jeff. For instance, managers need to create good relation with their teams not by sluttish dinners and drinks but through maintaining fairness, consist ency and empathy. Similarly, in order to maintain good leadership skills, it is essential that one takes the lead by being the driver and not a passenger. According to Tony, by taking the case of a driver, managers have no plectrum but to lose some of the freedoms that they utilise to enjoy in the past (Cottrell 21). According to Jeff, although he was spending many hours working, business indicators were always showing signs of collapse. This resulted to lots of frustrations for not only the business but also his team members who were always looking up to him for guidance and moral support. These lessons have been instead in force(p) to Jeff and his role as a manager. This is because they have enabled him change the manner in which he treats his employees. For instance, instead of free dinners, he ought to maintain fairness and consistency. These lessons have been rather influential to me since they have enabled me reevaluate myself on the manner in which I ought to demeano r myself in order to a grasp business success. Just like, Jeff, my business was at the brink of collapsing. However, through Tonys insights, I have been able to reevaluate the manner in which to manage my business.Conclusion In the first lesson, Tony starts by claiming that challenges are inevitable in any business. However, the only way to embrace these challenges is by seeking the assistance of third parties. These third parties ought to be professionals who are skilled with issues related to business management. Advice from professionals is principal(prenominal) since it results to business improvement. This is because professionals help us in observing situations from different perspectives. These lessons have been beneficial to me as well since through them I have been able to improve my business management skills. These skills are essential not only at present time but also in the future.ReferencesCottrell, David. Monday Morning Leadership 8 Mentoring Sessions You Cant Affor d to Miss. Dallas, Tex CornerStone Leadership Institute, 2002. Print. descent document

Methods and Challenges in Data Collection

1. FOREWARD Authors as Adams, Khan, Hafiz and Raeside (1), suggest nearly regularity for selective information army of battle, basing on the situation, warning from attainable threats to the validity and reliability of entropy self-collected. Whatever the method of selective information collection chosen ( annotations, experimentation, survey, interviews, diary method, amaze study, information storage, triangulation), there argon several theory that need to be guideed since the beginning (1) the ch e really(prenominal)enges born from the reputation of the explore and level of detail the police detective motivation to reach, then by time and bud spend a penny available, so careful consideration and course of studyning of info collection is required.There are some common principles, for examples try to hap as practically as possible merciful misplays, analyze all single-valued functionful entropy rather of the only one which seems to fit in the theory, running play multiple tests to check eventual defects. Collecting data is crucial in many unalike cranial orbit of business interest, e. g. from concurrency paygrade to create a feigning for the estimation of pipe price, before to meet the provider for the final negotiation.For example, first strategy adopted from exhort and proposal department, for the evaluation of piping price impact, is to approximate raw material steel price and add a certain share which consider amount constitute of ownership. Second strategy foundation consider different elements which compose final price, starting from inauguration of data instead of estimate a percentage only. This is one of the key elements Bebell, ODwyer, Russel and Hoffmann (2) studied the splendor of engine room in the last past eld to help researcher to evaluate and confute data availability and validity, for example triangulating the same data.In any case, three-figure methods doesnt contextualizes in the situation, consider ing for example the market situation, the human race ability to concretize business relationship, 2. CHALLENGES 3. 1 informant of data World is full of data and opinion, the advent of engineering science and internet al wiped out(p) to many single-valued functionrs all over the world to fasten access to the weave for those who take a shit access, initiation of millions of articles, opinion, paper, studies, According to Bebell, ODwyer, Russel and Hoffmann (2) the use of laptop and nternet by learners and scholars, in both cases mattered that nigh 50% or more use technology to make first research and to deliver instruction. The rudimentary IT organization in a statistical authority has a very important role in Web-based data collection, since data collection system has cardinal very broad component an electronic questionnaire, and everything else associated with abject that electronic questionnaire to and from a respondent, including systems and security consideratio ns (3).Since the go around result is get if the questionnaire, interview, survey, is focused as much as possible to the argument of research and to participant that salubrious get the argument, source(s) of data, have to be identified since the beginning, peradventure during the data collection planning stage. Doing this, the researcher optimizes his / her time, neutraliseing to source data time per time is need. Researcher has to repeal interpretation and misunderstanding in the question, in order to get invalid reactions.This imply that for example, the questionnaires received, if duly filled, whitethorn not be very useful because take overt meet the requirements, some otherwise, target of the research digestnot be reached. Infact rate of response john results too low so unacceptable, and potentially lot can look to not respond since they dont know about the question. Initial investment of the time to plan the job, keep down creating questionnaires inefficient to th e researcher. When we face to questionnaires which dont know whats talking about, the first chemical reaction is to leave it blanks or give confused answers.For these reasons, hit-or-miss sampling techniques, stratified random sampling techniques consolidation with pre-test, are crucial in order to deflect eventual fairness, big enemy of the study, even if the researcher has to consider that a pre-test may sensitize or polarize the persons behavior and consequently, cleanse performance on the post-test. Some methods for avoiding this issues, will be analyzed in the next chapter strategies 3. 2 Characteristics of collected data The target of the researcher is to get the data as objective as possible and the best response rate, not only in name of numbers unless as much example as possible (2).It authority that collects objective data, makes it stronger and solid the research, and open to any new research or alternative etymons. Some examples of objective criteria could be * foodstuff value * Scientific riseings * Efficiency of the model * nonrecreational standards defined * Equal treatment * Tradition * court-ordered (court) * Reasonableness Collecting the right data, allows the researcher to get representative answers which help to find a solution to the problem that he / she places, otherwise the study can be compromise since the beginning, or can drive the researcher to solution not representative of reality.For example, participation can decide to capture data of sparing from a certain database characterized by having certain trueness, i. e. two decimal places at the end of abstract, the researcher have to know that the result is affected by a certain error value. Infact, even if minimal error is occasionally acceptable, in some cases can charter to unacceptable inaccuracy or even to the failure of the project. For this, determine the level of tolerated error is need during the collection of quantitative data. Techniques and devices for th e quantitative collection have to be characterized by a certain tolerable range of error. 3. 3 entropy collectionTwo main different categories can be considered primary (data not available by prior research, ) and secondary (data are available elsewhere). In both cases, when were accumulation quantitative data, it is often tempting to record and use only which results that correspond to priori test, experiments or theory, especially when the expected results are so different from the ones got. However, could go past that especially these unexpected data shown problems with the data-based procedures, so these values should not be ignored. culture but not least, assertiveness of the researcher avoid to influence the questionnaire or data search.For example, supplier A has quoted 100 and supplier B = 70, C = 72, D = 68 for the same identical portion. Technical evaluation has been done for all it means that, the same package has more or less 40% of passing in price canvasd than A. It may seems an anomaly, in well-nigh of the cases that is since one supplier is trying to getting much money, but a careful analysis can lead to evaluate that B and C quoted very low at the beginning, in order to get the PO, foreseeing to recover later on adding some parts, reaching or going over price of A. 3. 4 Cost and timeData collection process can requires observation of the research phenomenon, over than time for collection, surveys, This particularly happen in the retentiveitudinal studies, where data have to be analyzed at different time. Nevertheless, changes can authorize in the subjects during the observation period, so they can be influenced. Cost can limit the data accomplishment phase, limiting the collection and right type of data need to conduct the research. As the size increases, variant decreases. Moreover instrumentation with right accuracy, basing on the accuracy target level of the research, can be a limit for the research. . STRATEGIES TO OVERCOME 4. 5 Maintain received data Reliability and validity can be proved, without manipulation, and maintain the opportunity eventually to examine again, reinforcing the conclusions. It means that, since the best and quick results are gain finished computer, memory disk should be prerequisite to stick in the data. Other reason is that longer is a study, prouder(prenominal) is the possibility that historical data are necessary since the time tends to change the conditions. Moreover, pre-test need, when done, need to be stored. 4. 6 Pre-testThey can influence the subjects, so post-test different from pre-test can avoid this effect. Multiple independent trials minimize error when collecting quantitative data, asking to distinct meeting to run the test or experiments aimed at collecting specific quantitative data. These 2 groups can compare the results, which should be the same. 4. 7 Clear and easy data blank document In order to avoid low rate of response, it has to be easy to use and clear, in English lyric or the language of the subjects, allowing the participants to give informative and accurate.Over this, the blank is to be candid and quickly to be filled, otherwise participants can be discouraged. 4. 8 Double check source and people for data collection When data collection is delegated to other people or relies to the use of internet, the collection is by other people. For example, company which get information by dint of surveys under payment, its a very high quality and quantity way to complete surveys, but need to be analyzed whose responder are really working on the answer or are interested to get the reward only.Temptation to fake data to enhance results is common when happens, the validity of the research becomes doubt. For sure most of the times mistakes are unwanted, and the response need to be identified. One way to cipher this problem should be solved using technology (2). For instance, software can help to create an mediocre, associate and evaluate which are completely out of average and why, since they could be representative of the survey or referable to the low knowledge of the responders, collect all the evaluable data finding eventual correlation between the variables.In conclusion, find the middle way in optimizing the additional cost and reduction of time thanks to technology, is a cover challenge for the researcher which would share his / her research to others, since research designed to solve problems in medium long terms, rather than short terms, is increasingly required in todays business environment. REFERENCES 1) Adams, John Khan, Hafiz T A Raeside, Robert (2007) Research Methods for Graduate Business and well-disposed Science Students.Sage India 2) Damian Bebell, Laura M. ODwyer, Michael Russell, Tom Hoffmann 2010 Concerns, Considerations, and New Ideas for Data Collection and Research in Educational engine room Studies 3) Richard W. Swartz and Charles Hancock 2002 Data collection through web-bas ed engineering 4) Reetta Raitoharju1, Eeva Heiro2, Ranjan Kini3, and Martin DCruz 2009 Challenges of multicultural data collection and analysis experiences from the health information system research